Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Don't LEAF These Behind!

Bad Curb Karma.

Just a short raking tip: When raking up the mountains of leaves that our beautiful, old Butchertown trees leave behind, you might want to make sure you clean up your curbs too. Wet leaves become slimey leaves which become frozen, slimey leaves which usually results in someone slipping and falling on their behind. So for safe measures and to aid in the beautification of your own neighborhood, don't leave those nasty curb leaves in the street. Bring on good curb karma (your hubcaps will thank you)!

Good Curb Karma.

It's That Time of Year Again!

Once again, another year has flown by and it is time for the Butchertown Neighborhood Association's Annual Meeting. This has always been a great time for neighbors to gather over light refreshments, have a tasty beverage and plan for the new year. This year, we are lucky to be holding our meeting at the historic Mary Alice Hadely House, located at 1638 Story Ave., at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, December 3rd. For anyone not familiar with the Hadely's, you may get a brief history lesson here:


On the business side of this year's meeting, we will be filling vacant seats on the BNA's Board of Directors. If you would like to fill, or nominate someone for a position, please send those nominations to butchertown@gmail.com so they may be reviewed by the Nominating Committee. Board members serve a two-year term and must be in good standing with the associating (meaning a DUES paying member!!) . They are allowed to serve for an unlimited number of terms. We will also be collecting dues from members, which are $25 for the year and go towards various projects and community needs.

As mentioned above, we have had great food and drinks in the past. If you are able to bring an appetizer dish, make a delicious desert or beverage and will be attending, please email butchertown@gmail.com to coordinate the efforts. We hope to see everyone there and encourage new residents and renters alike to attend!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Post of Many

Hey Hey Butchertown Lovers, we've started a Blog! It has come to our attention that we're not the only people who care about our lovely community and want to see it flourish. So now when you can no longer stand the piggy stink or you're stoked to hear that the ol' church on Shelby is being rennovated, you have someone to talk about it with.

On this Blog we'll be posting community involvement events, neighborhood discussions, resident surveys and Butchertown fun facts. We encourage feedback, ideas and discussions of all sorts. So stay tuned!

Introducing the Butchertown Blog Team:

Andrew Cornelius

Brooke Vaughn-Pierce

Jason Pierce