We are pleased to announce the All New Butchertown Art Fair!
Mark your calendars and cancel any planned vacations.. .
Sunday, May 17, 2009, 11a-5p
We are now accepting booth reservations for artists & crafters at our lowest rates ever—only $25 if you live in Butchertown!
Reserve Your Space
10 ft x 10 ft
$25 /Butchertown residents
$50 /non-Butchertown residents & all businesses
Multiple booth spaces available, if you'd like more information, be sure to get in touch with us.
If you are interested in renting a tent or table for the day of the event, send a note to Natasha Maze, nmaze1@yahoo.com
On Washington St between Webster St & Adams St in the heart of Butchertown.
Parking will be available for vendors day of event.
Additional Info
After your order is received, we will email you a confirmation letter. Prior to the event, you will receive
an information packet with full details about the event, including day-of instructions, booth number & parking
information. Questions? Please contact Natasha Maze at 502-681-2730, nmaze1@yahoo.com.
Applications and payment due no later than May 2, 2009. Checks payable to the Butchertown Neighborhood Association.
Remit to: Natasha Maze, Butchertown Art Fair, 1401 Quincy Street, Louisville, Ky 40206
Download Application Form Here !
PalPal payment options coming soon!
We look forward to hearing from you!
My partner and I love Butchertown and are very interested in moving to the area in the near future. If anyone knows of upcoming vacancies, please let me know.
There are both places for sale and rent on East Washington right now. email Butchertown@gmail.com and I will put you in touch with some great people to get with.
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